Timed Online Auction

Major Extremely Late Model Cup Filling/ Packaging Equipment Pet Food Manufacturer
Thursday, October 05
Bidding Begins Closing
at 11:30 AM (CDT)
Pet Food Manufacturer
1300 E Logan Ave
Emporia KS 66801
Pet Food Manufacturer
1300 E Logan Ave
Emporia KS 66801
(888) 648 - 2249 or main@tauberaronsinc.com
INSPECTION DATE: October 4th, from 9am-4pm (CDT)
CHECKOUT DATES: October 9-27th, 8am–4pm (CDT) Mondays – Fridays only.
- (9/2016) Bosch/Osgood Industries Mod. 9800-S, 10oz. Plastic Tube Filler, Multiple Change Parts Available. 9-Cup Across Approx. 270 PPM. Includes Cup Denester, Dispositor, Foil Seal Applicator & Sealer. 480 Volt, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, 175-250 Disconnect, Total FLA 182 Amps. Allen Bradley Controls w/ Panel View 1250 Operator HMI. S/N 356-1002
- (2017) Bosch/Osgood Industries Mod. 9400-S3A0 Round Cup Filler 9 Cups Across Last Filling 76mm Round Plastic Cup, Cup Denester, Dual Depositors, Foil Seal Applicator & Sealer, Lid Denester Applicator & Tamper w/ Allen Bradley Controls. S/N 356-1007
- (2009) Bosch/Osgood Industries Mod. Round Cup Filler 6 Cups Across Last Filling 76mm Round Plastic Cup, Cup Denester, Dual Depositors, Foil Seal Applicator & Sealer, Lid Denester Applicator & Tamper w/ Allen Bradley Controls. S/N 356-846
- Fuji Sea Mod. 300 US Sleeve Machine Last Sleeving 300, 307 Dia. Cans as well as Plastic Cups & Tubs. Single Film Feeder to Single Head Sleever, Steam Tunnel & Discharge Conveyor. S/N 100000420
- (2017) Fanuc Mod. M410iC 315, Type A05B-1044-B204, Number: R17904976 w/ Pendant & Base. S/N F2008018
- (2015) Fanuc Mod. M-4101B 140H, Type: A058-1043-B201, Number: R15X03005 w/ Pendant & Base. S/N F171184
- (2015) Fanuc Mod. F168096, Type A05B-1125-B201, Number: R15800846 w/ Pendant & Base. S/N F168096
- (2016) Fanuc Mod. F175898, Type A05B-1125-B208, Number: R16200918 w/ Pendant & Base. S/N F175898
- Alfi S.S. Steam Belt Cooker for Emulsified Extruded Pet Foods, Approx. 48”W x 40’L
- Krones Mod. Canmatic, (32) Station Rotary Hot Glue Wraparound Label Application, Set 300 Dia. X 400 Can
- (2008) Alvey Mod. A-881, Case Palletizer. S/N 01-K1165118
- (1995) Alvey 880 Mod. K649, Case Palletizer. S/N 01-K641118
- Mettler Toledo Mod. X-Ray, Container Inspection System w/ Automatic Reject and Reject Bin
- (Lot) Misc. S.S. Conveyors
- Label Aire Pressure Sensitive Labeler
- APV Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger
- Mettler Toledo mod. HS-CW High Speed Check Weigher
- Safeline Metal Detector w/ Reject Conveyor
- Praxair SS. Cup Washer w/ Bradley Allen Controls
- Lovshaw Top Case Tapper Applicator
- S.S. and Mild Steel Conveyors
- Allpax Approx. 30’L x 43”W S.S. Construction Conveyor w/ Drive
- Fill Tech Mod. Dud Detection System
- MTC Column Dumper for Vemag Totes, Approx. 120” Discharge Height
- (2) Frozen Block Incline Conveyors to Feed Grinders
- CFS Dual Paddle Blender
- Scan Seal Pump & Hopper
- Heat & Control (2) Vibratory Conveyors