State of the Art Mfg. of Infrared Detectors for Commercial and Defense Industries

Public Auction

State of the Art Mfg. of Infrared Detectors for Commercial and Defense Industries

Infrared Vision Technology Corp. (Itc)
140 Industrial Way
Buellton CA


RIE SYSTEM AME 8100E Microetch, 6” Wafer, Kalrez Coated Hexode...

AME 8100E Microetch RIE System
Perkim Emler 2400 Sputtering System
Commonwealth 38JGVS Ion Beam Etch
Veeco Microtech 1001 Ion Mill
Plasma Therm mod. 2400 PECVD
GCA 6700 Stepper
Matrix 106, Plasma Asher
Nikon & Leica Met. Microscopes
Pure Aire UF70 Clean Bench
SVG 8626/8636, 3-Track Coater
Superior Automation SA1000 Stripper
Blue ‘M’ Nitrogen Purged Oven Proto-Flow
Nanometrics Nanospec AFT Scope & Photo Resist
LPKF Reflow Oven
Yes HMDS Oven
Mikron M345 Black Bodies & SEIR FPA Test System
RO & D.I. Water System
Sullair 1500 E Compressor
York 10 Ton Chiller
(2) ITC-Dewar Vacuum Evaluation & Bake System
AME 8100E Microetch, 6” Wafer, Kalrez Coated Hexode Chamber; 
18 Wafer Cap.; 20”x24” Chamber, CF4, CHF3 & O2 Gases, Contained 
Turbo Pump, 2hp Vacuum Pump; Chiller; 1500W RF Power Supply; S/N 004503
Perkin Elmer mod. 2400 Sputtering Metal Deposition System, 
8” Target; Load Lock; 6” Wafer; EMI mod. OEM-12A 12-Amp
 TCF Power Supply; 3 Target Positions: Nickel Chrome 80/20 
Target; Alum. Target; Copper Target. Etch Position; CT-8 
Cyro Pump; Dialectic Film Capable; Edwards 40, Two-Stage 
2hp Vacuum Pump; Neslab CFT150 Chiller; CTI Cryogenics 8200 Compressor
Commonwealth mod. 38JG; 38” Dia. Chamber; IBD System; 
Inficon Transpector 2.0 Residual Gas Analyzer; Differential
 Pumped; CTI 400 Cryo Onboard Pump; Edwards RV3 Vacuum Pump; 
Leybold Dryer; 100B Mechanical Pump; 100 Meters cubed per Hour; 
(2001) Commonwealth IBS Controller; Ion Beam DC Source; 
(2) Chiller/Heated Water Systems; CTI 8510 Compressor; S/N 4212
Veeco Microetch mod. 1001, 10” Ion Mill; Dual Wafer 6” Cap.;
 CTI 400 Cryo Onboard Pump; Veeco Process Auto. Controller; 
Substrate Fixture Controller; AVC1000 Valve Controller; 
2000Pressure Controller; RG1000 Ionation Gauge; 1200 Volt RF 
Power Supply; CTI 9600 Compressor; 2hp Vacuum Pump; Water 
Cooled Stage; S/N 1600-175B
Plasma Therm mod. 2400 PECVD; 30” Dia. Chamber; 3-Stage R.F. 
Power Settings: 50W-200W-1500W Settings; NH3-N20-N2-SIH4-HE 
Gases; CF4/02 Cleaning; ENI mod. OEM 25B RF Generator; 
Windows-Based Controller Software Upgrade; Leybold Heraeus 
mod. WS4, 500/D60AC Dual Stage Pumping/Blower System; Dual 
Stage Chiller/Heater; S/N 00394-PSI#3
GCA mod. 6700 Stepper; 6” Wafer; Reticule Mgt. System; 
Auto Loader; Environmental Chamber; Windows-Based Process
 Controller; UPS Backup; S/N 6700C61519269. (2001) RTS Refurbished.
Matrix mod. 106, 6” Wafer Plasma Asher; ENI mod. OEM-RB RF
 Generator; Alcatel Vacuum Pump;S/N 1405101-0809
SVG 8626/8636 3-Track Coater; 2 Coat + 1 
Spray/Puddle Developer; 6” Wafer
Superior Automation SA1000, S.S., 3-Station Stripper;
 2-Clean/1-Rinse; (3) Multisonik Generators; Dual Station
 Safety Returns
(2) ITC Dewar Vacuum Evaluation & Bake Systems; 24-48 
Vacuum ¼-in dia. Stems; CTI Onboard Vacuum Pump;
 RGA Systems; (2) Mech. Pumps
(2) Praxair Ultra Purge 100 Gas Cabinets
(3) Pure Aire UF70 Clean Benches
Yield Yes LP-3-M-3 Vapor Prime System; HMDS Oven
Custom Vacuum Bake Station w/ Turbo Pump & Camera
K&S 8020 Auto Gold Ball Bonder; S/N PPC-80081
Semitool 200 SRD Dual-Stage Spin Rinse Dryer
(2) LPKF Proto Flow Reflow Ovens; S/Ns OZ1714N122 & OZ1735N169
Blue ‘M’ SDX mod. IGF6680-F-MP350, 600°C Nitrogen Purged Oven; P
olymide; S/N IFG600
Benchmark System 2000 Seam Sealer
YES-RI Plasma Asher w/ Vacuum Pump; S/N 87789
Disco mod. DAD-2H/6” Dicing Saw
HP 4145A Parameter Analyzer; (2) Weller Solder Reflow Stations; 
Hughes Unitek 60 Microwelder; Hughes MCW550 Microwelder; 
Nanometrics Nanospec AFT Scope; Photo Resist Thickness Measurement Tool
Mystaire Laminar Flow Bench; K&S 4124 Wire Bonder w/ Scope; 
Rudolf Research Auto EL IV Dual Wave Length Ellipsometer; 
CDE Resmap 168, 6” Sheet Resistance Tool w/ Autoload & Mapper; 
Flexus 2320 Dual Wavelength Film Stress Tool; Miller Design 6” 
Wafer Prober; (3) Xynetics mod. 1034, 6” Prober w/ Camera; 
(2) Spare Cyro Pumps; Yamato DKN602C Electric Oven; (6) S
pare Mechanical Pumps; (4) Turbo Vacuum Pumps, Lybold 1000; 
Westbond Bond 70-P Pull Tester; Blue ‘M’ Elec. Oven; (2) 4’ 
Laminar Flow Hood; (2) Ultrasonic Baths; (2) Despatch Elec.
 Ovens; Kelvinator Scientific Freezer
Nikon Met Scope w/ Auto Wafer & Camera
Leica Met. 1000X Scope w/ Nomarski Option w/ McBain
Image Analysis Software
(2) Prometrix RT350 Non Contact Film Measurement Tools,
 Cassette to Cassette; S/N 9111C2 CFT-03
LH UL200 Helium Leak Checker
(2) SEIR Focal Plane Array (FPA) Test Systems
(2) Mikron M345 Black Bodies w/ Controller
Agilent mod. MSO6034A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
HP 54645B Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
(2) HP 6626A System DC Power Supplies
Olympus Met. Microscope
(4) Electrogas mod. 1034 Probe Stations
(3) National Instruments Test Stations
(2001) York 10 Ton Chiller; S/N RGKM000969
RO & DI Water System w/ US Filter Ultraviolet
Sullair mod. 1500 EV/A, 25hp Rotary Screw 
Air Compressor; S/N 200610270062
15hp Tank-Mtd. Air Compressor w/ Hankison Dryer
O2N2 SITE mod. N-40 Nitrogen Gas Generator System
Ingersoll Rand 5hp Tank-Mtd. Air Compressor