Timed Online Auction

New (2012) Fresh Pak Vegetable Processing Line
Tuesday, July 16
Bidding Begins Closing
at 10:00 AM PDT
Galicia Farms
384 E. Bromley Lane
Brighton CO
Galicia Farms
384 E. Bromley Lane
Brighton CO
(888) 648 - 2249 or main@tauberaronsinc.com
Inspection: Monday, July 15th, 8am-5pm
Checkout: TBA – Owner will Crate and Load Trailers
- ALL NEW 2012 Fresh Pack Processing Line
- Vanmark 18”x 10’ Plastic Flighted Belt Conveyor
- Manual Inspection Line, w/Meyer Mod.VFFI-Y, 24”x 10’ S.S. Vibratory Shaker Table, (6) Reject Chutes, Belt Type Discharge Conveyor, Air Dryers & Platform, S/N 2354
- 2012 NSEP Cold Water Rinse Line w/2x8x24 Water Rinse Line w/Mueller Cold Water Recirculation System, Vib. Water Rinse Drain Line & Coil Outside w/(2) 3’x5′ Plates. Unit Capable of Handling (8) Plates. S/N 1500635-1
- Meyer Mod. VFI04-2, 24”x 20’, 2-Lane Vib. Feed System, w/(2) Air Knives, S/N 2355
- (2) Lyco Mod. SMS0412, 1X INB, Mini 8’ Rotary Bean Snippers w/S.S. Side Panel Stand, Rated at 1,000 Lbs. Per Hour Each; S/N 68283 (As the Line is Designed, it Tops out at 2,000 Lbs. Per Hour on Snipped Beans)
- Keenline 24”x 20’ Incline Flighted Belt Conveyor
- Heat & Control Mod. CV41B, 24”x 6’ Vib. Transfer Conveyor, S/N 10123
- 2012 Reyco Mod. WV1820, 24”x 20’, 3-Station Vib. Drying Line, w/3-Station Air Knives, w/Water Reclaim, 20 H.P. Air Knife Blower, 20 H.P. 3-Station Air Blow Off, Andgar Fog Tunnel, S/NX0014