Timed Online Only Auction

Vegetable & Fruit Processing Equipment
Thursday, June 27
Bidding Begins Closing
at 9:00 AM PT
Equipment Moved for Convenience of the Sale to CFM Worldwide
1052 Oak Street, Greenville, MS and 930 South Sacramento Street, Lodi, CA
Greenville, MS Lodi, CA
Equipment Moved for Convenience of the Sale to CFM Worldwide
1052 Oak Street, Greenville, MS and 930 South Sacramento Street, Lodi, CA
Greenville, MS Lodi, CA
Items located in Greenville, MS Danny Poe 662-522-0269 cfmworldwidems@gmail.com
Items located in Lodi, CA Richard Gomez 209-334-6638 richard@cfmworldwide.com
Items located in Lodi, CA Richard Gomez 209-334-6638 richard@cfmworldwide.com
INSPECTION: June 24th – June 26th , 9AM to 4PM CDT & Morning of the Sale
- (4) (1994-2004) Zacmi 20-40-60 Station Pocket Fillers
- (2) FMC 15-Station Pear & Bean Fillers
- (2) FMC 12-Station Granulator Fillers
- (2) FMC 20 & 21-Station Piston Fillers
- FMC 70PVS 18-Station Syruper
- Nalbach CHF43 Pocket Filler
- Rostego 6-Station Rotary Piston Filler
- Zill & Bellini 40-Station Piston Filler
- (2) Angelus 40P & DF, 4-Head Can Closers
- AK Robbins 4’ x 12’ Blancher
- Hughes 4’ x 16’ Hot Water Rotary Blancher
- (5) Idaho Steel 40’ Hot Water Rotary Blanchers
- (17) 150-1000 Gal. S.S. Steam Jacketed Mixing Kettles
- (21) 250-1000 Gal. S.S. Holding Tanks
- (11) Stricklin 40 Cu. Ft. Jacketed Paddle Mixers
- Urschel QuantiCut (‘Q’) Dicer
- Urschel DiversCut Dicer
- Urschel “J” Dicer
- FMC 300 AL Peach Pitter
- (8) Grove Dale Slicers & Flight Feeders
- (4) (2005) Fam Mantis Slicers
- (6) Dundon & Reid Single Door Retorts; (12) House HCD S.S. Aerators; (1992) Stephan
MCH-D40, 75HP Emulsifier; (1992) Stephan MCH-20K, 20HP Emulsifier; (2) Lyco 11900
Hyd. War Horse Brush Washer; (2) Lyco Brush Scrubbers; (18) Lyco & Hycor Hydrasieves;
Odenburg 1000L Steam Peeler Vessel; (2) Rossi & Alfa Laval Contherm 3 & 4 Barrel Heat
Exchangers; (7) Solbern PTF Tumble Fillers; (5) S.S. Overflow Briners; AAF Rotoclone;
Cornell 4”, 5HP Non-Clog Pump; (3) Cherry Burrell C216 Cent. Pumps; Crepaco R6R Pos.
Disp. Pump; (2) Crepaco R3BS & R39 Disp. Pumps; (7) Waukesha 130U1 Pos. Disp. Pumps;
Waukesha 134 Pos. Disp. Pump; (4) Ampco Cent. Pumps; (2) Olney Mod. 1987, 4’ + 42” x 32”
Deep Flotation Washers; (4) Olney 36” x 58” Rifle Tank Destoners; (3) Olney 40 LCC Cluster
Cutters; (4) S.S. Bin Dumpers; (8) S.S. Sizing & Reclaim Reels; Kusel 18” x 97” Hydrolift
Elevator; Ambec 60” x 15’ Accumulation Table; (4) 4’ x 4’ x 4’ S.S. Flooded Wash Tank w/
Elevator; (3) Key Mod. 8 Air Cleaners; (2) Lyco Air Cleaners; (7) S.S. Screw Elevators &
Conveyors; (9) Key S.S. Distribution Shakers; (3) S.S. & Belted Conveyors; (11) AFC 25F
Auger Feeders; Gould 3410 Dbl. Suction Pump; (11) Vortex Hoppers; (5) S.S. Unzipped Bean